Monday, August 30, 2010

What we know about Johannes Funkhouser

This August 29th would have been the 318th birthday of Johannes Funkhouser. He was born in 1692 at Trub, Bern, Switzerland and died in 1737 at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Johannes married Barbara Habegger on an unknown date. She died Sept. 23, 1721 in Virginia. They had a son by the name of Jacob which is the direct line to William Edward (Daddy Ed) Funkhouser.

Johannes was the Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather of Daddy Ed.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

And football begins....

For my first post on this blog I'll tell you a story about Jackson and his first High School football scrimmage.

It was against Allen HS and it started at 10:00am Friday morning. He is number 66 in the picture below. He is playing center.
He was in three 10 play series and played very well in all three. Usually going against a much larger nose guard. What wasn't apparent to me or anyone else watching was that his upper lip looked like this after the 3rd play of the first series.
He played the rest of the first series and the 2nd and 3rd before his line coach took a good look at him and started searching for the trainer.
According to Jack this is what happened.
" I slend (sic) off the nose to pick up a linebacker and I was too high and he knocked my helmet off and his face mask hit my naked face and it gashed my lip and made my nose bleed."
I was watching from the stands and saw Jack and his Coach heading toward me. Jack found me in the stands and pointed to his nose, I thought he had broken it because you couldn't see the cut. He motioned for me to come down...
The trainer put butterfly stitches on it and we headed straight for the doctors office. He got in right away and the results looked like this:
All in all not a bad days work.......